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nhloso ukubumba nokubuyisela ubuKHOSI BENDABUKA ebunyeni sasekuzigqajeni ngobuNsundu babo, ukuzibandakanya ezinhlelweni ezizothuthukisa amakhono namandla abantu bakithi emikhakheni eminingi, sibuyisele iSizwe kwiSikompilo leMvelo ka MvelinqanginoNomkhubulwane, sibuyele kwiMigubho nemiphahlo yakwaNtu yemvelo, okusemqoka kakhulu ukuvuselela uMSAMO WESIZWE SIKAMSUTHU; sidale amathuba emisebenzi esimeme, kanye nokuxhumana nabalingani ababelana nge-nhloso efanayo yentuthuko. Ingxenye ye-hloso yentuthuko ukuthuthukisa amakhono obuholi entsheni yethu ukuze isihole embonweni wethu.
Umbono wethu uwukubuyela ezimisweni zethu ezibalulekile; ukubhekana nezinkinga zoMdabu ngezixazululo zoMdabu ngokuthola isiko, kanye nokuziphatha okufanayo kuyilapho siqaphela ubuholi bomdabu njengenhlangano eyinhloko yobuholi kuwo wonke umlando wethu futhi bulethe endaweni yabo efanele ekuqhubekiseleni izwe loKhokho phambili.
Kuwo wonke umlando, ubuHoli boMdabu babukhona futhi busaqashelwa isikhathi sethu sezombusazwe samanje, kodwa ngaphandle kwendlela, isikhundla negunya lokudlala indima ebalulekile ekufezeni i-inhloso ye-Afrika yowezi-2063.
Inhloso yethu wukudlulela emphakathini woBuntu onohlelo oluhlanganisayo lwentuthuko yabaHoli boMdabu ngaphansi kophiko loBukhosi base-Elangeni, lapho udlame luthathelwa indawo inhlonipho nobuntu bese kusetshenziswa izinhlaka zethu zamasiko nezinsiza ukufeza i-ajenda yentuthuko ezodala ukusimama. ukuqashwa kwabantu bakithi.
Sikholelwa ku-:
Izinsika zethu eziyinhloko zokuthuthukiswa yilezi:
Ukuthuthukiswa kwamadamu
Ukucwila kwemigodi
Ukuphatha amanzi anempilo kanye nokusatshalaliswa kwamanzi emiphakathini eswele
Ukuqinisekisa ukuthi amanzi ahlanzekile emakhaya ukuze asetshenziswe nsuku zonke
Ukuthuthukiswa komhlaba ekulimeni okukhiqizayo
Ukuthuthukisa amakhono okuqinisekisa ukukhiqizwa kokudla okusimeme, okuhlanganisa ukucubungula nokusabalalisa
Ukuqala izinhlelo zokuqinisekisa ukutholakala kokudla emakhaya, ezikoleni nasezindaweni zasemakhaya
Ukuqinisekisa ukuvikelwa kwemvelo kuwusongo olukhulu ngazo zonke izinhlelo zentuthuko nakuzo zonke izinsika ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi intuthuko nemizamo ayilimazi imvelo.
Vikela indawo yethu yemvelo, okuhlanganisa izilwane, izitshalo kanye nomhlabathi
Thuthukisa amandla namakhono
Ukudala amathuba amabhizinisi amancane asimeme azobhekana nezidingo eziyisisekelo zabantu bakithi, kodwa futhi ahlinzeke ngokuqashwa okusimeme kanye nokukhula komnotho emiphakathini yethu.
Gxila ekukhiqiweni nasekukhiqizeni kwendawo
Sethula umqondo nezimiso ze-(Smart Villages)
Vikela amagugu ethu
Ukusungula kanye nokuphathwa kwezindawo zokugcina amagugu kanye nezindawo zamagugu
Thuthukisa imboni yemidlalo yeshashalazi, yomculo kanye neyamafilimu ezothwebula futhi imakethe amagugu ethu
Ukuvuselela imigubho nemiphahlo yeSizwe yaswNdulo
Ukuthuthukiswa nokunakekela abantu bakithi ngokugxila ezinganeni, intsha kanye nabantu abadala ngokusebenzisa ukunakekelwa kwezempilo, ukwesekwa komphakathi, imfundo, ukungenelela kokuthuthukiswa kwamakhono.
Ukuqinisekisa ukuthula nokuzinza ngokuziphatha, inhlonipho kanye nobuntu kuwo wonke amazinga
Sungula ama-ejensi wezokuphepha ukuze anikeze ukuvikeleka kwamaqembu asengozini emiphakathini yethu futhi asebenze ngokubambisana nensika yokuthuthukiswa komphakathi ukubhekana nezinkinga
Kuzodingeka senze ubudlelwano obusemthethweni ezweni lonke nasemhlabeni wonke ukuze sihehe abatshalizimali kanye nezinsiza zokuqalisa izinhlelo zethu. Lokhu kuzobandakanya isixazululo esisebenzisekayo nohulumeni sokuqinisekisa ukuthi isabelomali siyenziwa kubaHoli boMdabu ukuze bakwazi ukuqalisa nokuphatha izinhlelo zabo ngaphansi kwalezi zinsika.
The Lesedi Indigenous Kingdom's has a developmental agenda and our aim is to engage in initiatives that will develop skills and capacity of our people in a wide range of sectors and industries; create sustainable employment opportunities; and networking with partners that share the same agenda of development. Part and parcel of the development agenda is to develop leadership skills amongst our youth to lead us in our Vision.
Our Vision is to go back to our core values and principles; addressing African problems with African solutions by finding a common culture, values and ethic while recognizing Traditional Leadership as the core leadership entity throughout our history and bring it to its rightful place in taking our country forward.
Throughout history, Traditional Leadership was there and is still being recognized by our current political dispensation, but without the means, status and authority to play a meaningful role in implementing Africa Agenda 2063.
Our Mission is to moving towards a society of Ubuntu with a uniting system for development for Traditional Leaders under the wing of Elangeni Kingdom, where violence is replaced with respect and humanity and using our cultural structures and resources to implement a development agenda that will create sustainable employment for our people.
We believe in:
Our cardinal pillars for development are:
Development of dams
Sinking boreholes
Managing healthy water and distribution of water to needy communities
Ensure clean water at households for daily usage
Development of land in productive farming
Developing skills to ensure sustainable food production, including processing and distribution
Initiate programs to ensure food security at households, schools, and villages in rural settings
Ensure environmental protection is a golden thread through all development initiative and across all Cardinal Pillars to ensure projects and initiatives do not destroy the environment.
Protect our natural habitat, including fauna, flora, and soil
Develop capacity and skills
Create opportunities for sustainable small enterprises that will address the basic needs of our people but also provide sustainable employment and economic growth within our communities
Focus on local production and manufacturing
Introducing Smart City concept and principles
Protect our heritage
Establishing and management of museums and heritage villages
Develop drama, musical and film industry that will capture and market our heritage
Development and caring for our people with a focus on children, youth, and old aged people through health care, social support, education, skills development interventions
Ensure peace and stability through discipline, respect, and humanity at all levels
Establish security agencies to provide protection for vulnerable groups in our communities and work in close collaboration with Social development pillar to address issues
We will need to formalize partnerships nationally and internationally to attract investments and resources to implement our programs. This will include workable solutions with the government to ensure budget allocations are made to Traditional Leaders to be able to implement and manage their programs under these pillars.